Since the city is hard to get to (the bus took 4 hours) there were not too many tourists and we only saw one other foreigner the whole day. It was cool to check out a place that had a good deal of history but was not too crowded!
Here we gooooooo!
Typical tourist shops
These must be local specialities because I have never seen them at any other touristy places in China
This is fried tofu with pieces of pork on them
On the left you can see dried fruit and on the right is dried fish/sardines (eek ew)
Hard boiled eggs--they had small ones and huge ones (one they said was duck eggs and the other was goose eggs)
Sugar cane juice (surprisingly not sweet)
The first place we went was Li Gardens, which was owned/is owned by a Chinese family that emigrated to America. You can see the influence of western architecture--these are all residences
This is a Chinese kitchen in the 1920s
Here is another Chinese kitchen--this is the stovetop (no oven)
This is where they kept clean water
This is how they made soy milk
Next to the historic houses, they had created a gorgeous garden
with many strange artifacts in a cinderella carriage
Next up the three of us took this little tuk-tuk to the next village. (so uncomfortable)
The next village had residences and watch towers--and thousands of tacky pandas everywhere (which meant tons of photo opportunities for chinese people)
You can paint your own panda--some interesting pandas out there
This picture is so china--a beautiful historical site with some kind of tacky touch--result fabulous picture opportunities
The last part of the trip was a place where movies had been filmed
The town looked old and charming
The Paris Hotel
River market
A kung fu training/practice thing
the highlight--someone brought their pet pig!
recycled gadgets at the market
Overall it was a lot of traveling in one day and the heat/humidity was exhausting. But it was really neat to see and surprisingly not too crowded
Through this, Kaiping eventually transformed from devastation to a place of prosperity. Investment and development was initiated by Chinese living abroad. The western influence is evident in the architecture--which are called diaolous. They are scattered across the countryside and became a UNESCO world heritage site in 2007.
Such interesting history- and nice for you to find a place that was not packed with people!